Rich Text Format Gone After Retrieving Mobile Report
Inspectors may have rich text format set up for some of their report content such as narratives. Examples of rich text formatting include bold text, colors, etc. Inspectors may also find that when they retrieve their mobile reports on desktop 3D that some narratives lose their rich text formatting while others don't. So what is the cause of this?
The cause of narratives losing the colors is when an inspector taps to edit a subheading and imports the narrative text for editing. When narrative text is imported into the subheading it is imported as plain text because the mobile app does not support rich text format. This will cause the narratives to lose any coloring or other rich text formatting. If you need to import narrative text for editing on a subheading, then you may want to bookmark that subheading for review so that you can add back the rich text formatting as needed.
The above raises a question. Why do the narratives that are selected, but not imported for editing, retain their color formatting when retrieved on desktop 3D? This is because when a narrative is selected in the mobile app it is not actually adding the text to that subheading yet. When the report is retrieved on desktop 3D the narratives that were selected in the mobile app are then selected on desktop 3D for each subheading. Since those narratives are selected on desktop 3D then the color formatting remains.