If you are missing Actions, forms, or purchased content
If you installed a focus program or school edition and the program seems empty with no content, or you only have evaluation forms, you probably neglected to install the Forms option on your original installer you received (step 1, first button when you run the installer). Here's how to solve:
1. Locate your original program installer download and run it.
2. On the installer menu that appears, use the first option to install the Forms to your hard drive. Use the default installation options in the wizard to install that item.
3. Next open your 3D software.
4. In Office Management click File > Install reseller content.
5. Select the forms.zip from the folder. If you did step 2 above then that file should be available there in the default place to select.
6. Afterward, close and reopen your 3D software to update the items in your system.
That's all there should be to it.